
Duckbill Catfish: Discovering the Predatory Sorubim Lima

sorubim lima profile

Duckbill catfish, members of the Pimelodidae family, grab attention with their extraordinary looks. Their flat, bill-like noses make them different from other catfish species and catch interest. Owners love their curious actions and impressive presence, which make them popular in aquariums. Their one-of-a-kind traits and behaviors add a charming touch and uniqueness to any water setup.

Article Summary

  • Duckbill catfish, a unique freshwater fish belonging to the Pimelodidae family, are known for their distinctive appearance with flattened, duck-like snouts.
  • They are native to South America and can be found in countries like Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.
  • Duckbill catfish have long shovel-shaped snouts that help them dig in the substrate and search for food, and their upper bodies are typically dark gray to blackish-brown.

Species Overview

Sorubim lima, also known as Duckbill Catfish, belongs to the family Pimelodidae. These catfish are found in various countries such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. They inhabit river basins in South America like the Amazon, Orinoco, Paraná, Parnáiba, and Tocantins.

One of the distinguishing features of the Duckbill Catfish is its long snout that resembles a duck’s bill. This shovel-shaped snout helps them dig in the substrate and search for food. T

heir upper body is usually dark gray to blackish-brown in coloration to blend into their surroundings while their lower body may have a lighter hue.

Duckbill Catfish have several dorsal fin rays and elongated pointed pectoral fins that assist in swimming and maneuvering. They also possess sharp teeth adapted for catching prey. Like many other catfish species, Sorubim lima has whisker-like barbels around its mouth that help it locate prey and detect changes in water conditions.

In terms of size and growth rate, S. lima is a fast-growing fish with an adult size ranging from 30 cm to 55 cm when kept in tanks. As for their lifespan, it can vary depending on various factors such as habitat conditions and care provided by humans.

Habitat and Tank Conditions

The habitat and tank conditions play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of the duckbill catfish, also known as S. lima. Let’s dive into the specifics:

Tank Size and Set Up

To provide ample space for socializing, it is recommended to house S. lima in a spacious tank, approximately 300 cm in length. These catfish thrive in various aquatic environments, including open river sections, floodplain lakes, and oxbows. However, they prefer turbid white-water rivers.

Water Parameters

Maintaining suitable water conditions is essential for the health of your duckbill catfish. The ideal temperature range for these catfish is between 74 – 86°F (23.3 – 30°C). It is important to monitor pH levels within the range of 6.0 – 7.5 and hardness between 1 – 20°H.

To ensure optimal water quality, it is crucial to provide well-oxygenated water with a reliable filter system. Regular water changes are necessary to keep pollutants at bay.

Opened Canister Filter
Provide well-oxygenated water with a reliable filter system for your Duckbill catfish.

Substrate and Decor

Soft sand or fine gravel substrate is recommended for these catfish. This type of substrate provides a comfortable and suitable environment for them. In addition to the substrate, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places for the catfish. This can be achieved by adding caves or PVC pipes to the tank.

These hiding places will help the catfish feel secure and reduce their stress levels. It is also worth noting that juveniles tend to gather around vegetation and submerged woody structures. Therefore, it is beneficial to include these elements in the tank as well.

Adding roots and branches can create additional shelter spots for the catfish, enhancing their overall well-being in the aquarium environment.

Creating an environment that mimics their natural habitat with dense vegetation and hiding spots like submerged logs or overhanging branches will make them feel more at home.

Tankmates and Temperament

The behavior of the duckbill catfish is generally peaceful, but they have a voracious appetite and will eat anything that fits in their mouth. Due to their nocturnal nature, they may not interact much with diurnal tankmates.

There are several options to consider. Loricariids, which are also known as plecos or sucker-mouth catfish, can make suitable companions for the duckbill catfish. Cichlids, larger characins (such as tetras), and cyprinids (like rasboras) are also good choices.

However, there are certain types of tank mates that should be avoided when keeping the duckbill catfish. It’s best to steer clear of aggressive or fin-nipping species that might harm their delicate fins. Territorial species should also be avoided since the duckbill catfish prefers a peaceful environment.

Duckbill Catfish Care

Regular care is crucial for the well-being of duckbill catfish. Here are some recommendations to ensure they thrive in your aquarium:

Care Recommendations

Taking care of duckbill catfish requires specific attention to their water quality.

To ensure their well-being, it is crucial to regularly change the water in their tank. Poor water conditions can have a detrimental effect on these catfish, so maintaining good water quality is essential.

Additionally, it is important to avoid sudden changes in water parameters as they can stress the fish and compromise their health. By providing a stable environment, you can help your catfish thrive.

Creating a dimly lit tank with ample hiding spots will make them feel secure and comfortable. These hiding spots should be strategically placed throughout the tank to mimic their natural habitat.

Aquarium Led Light
Duckbill catfishes are primarily nocturnal and active in dimly lit environments

Adding plants and rocks can also provide additional hiding places and contribute to a more natural environment. By following these care recommendations, you can ensure the health and happiness of your duckbill catfish.

Food and Diet

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the health of duckbill catfish. The duckbill catfish is a fascinating species that requires a specific diet to thrive.

To ensure their optimal health, it is important to offer them a varied diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets as their primary food source. These pellets are specially formulated to meet their nutritional needs and promote growth.

However, it is also essential to supplement their diet with other foods to provide them with essential nutrients. Frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp are excellent choices for this purpose. These foods are rich in protein and vitamins, which are vital for the catfish’s overall well-being.

In addition to pellets and frozen foods, it is beneficial to occasionally feed the duckbill catfish live foods. This helps mimic their natural feeding habits and provides them with a diverse range of nutrients.

Some suitable live foods include white and oily fish, prawns, squid, earthworms, and bloodworms. These options not only offer nutritional benefits but also stimulate the catfish’s natural foraging instincts.

It is important to note that the feeding frequency for adult duckbill catfish should be infrequent. Typically, they only require feeding every two or three days. This is because their metabolisms are slower compared to other fish species.

Overfeeding can lead to health issues and poor water quality in their tank. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor their feeding habits closely and adjust accordingly to maintain their optimal health.

Providing a well-rounded and nutritious diet is essential for the overall health and well-being of duckbill catfish. By offering a variety of high-quality sinking pellets, supplementing with frozen foods, and occasionally providing live foods, you can ensure that your catfish thrives in its environment.

Remember to monitor their feeding habits closely and adjust their diet as needed to keep them happy and healthy.

Common Diseases and Prevention

To keep your duckbill catfish healthy and disease-free, it’s important to be aware of common ailments and preventive measures. Monitor water quality regularly to prevent diseases caused by poor water conditions.

Quarantine new fish before introducing them into the main tank to avoid potential infections spreading. Provide a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs to strengthen their immune system.

Remember that each individual may have specific care requirements, so it’s always best to research further or consult with an expert if needed.

Breeding the Duckbill Catfish

Breeding the Duckbill Catfish can be quite a challenge due to their specific requirements. Limited information is available on their reproductive biology, but it is known that they spawn at the start of the rainy season.

To breed duckbill catfish in captivity, you will need a separate breeding tank with soft substrate and caves for spawning. It is essential to mimic the conditions of their natural habitat. Increase the temperature slightly to simulate the onset of the rainy season.

Small Planted Tank with a Heater
A separate breeding tank with stable water conditions increase the chances of successful breeding.

Breeding Process

Once successful spawning occurs, it is crucial to remove the adult catfish from the breeding tank promptly. This step prevents them from eating or harming the eggs. Separating them ensures higher survival rates for the fry.

Fry Care

After hatching, young duckbill catfish, also known as Sorubim cluster, tend to gather in grass beds that resemble dead vegetation. As they grow older, they become more piscivorous and feed on other fish.

When caring for fry, providing a suitable diet is vital for their growth and development. Feed them live or frozen bloodworms, Tubifex worms, and other protein-rich foods that cater to their dietary needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Duckbill catfish prefer larger tanks due to their size and need for ample swimming space. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended for one adult duckbill catfish.

While they are generally peaceful towards other fish species, keeping multiple duckbill catfish in the same tank may lead to territorial disputes. It’s best to provide each catfish with enough space or consider keeping them in larger community tanks.

Duckbill catfish are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet consisting of high-quality pellets or flakes supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small crustaceans.

With proper care, duckbill catfish can live for up to 10 years or more. Providing a suitable environment and meeting their dietary needs will contribute to their longevity.

Breeding duckbill catfish in a home aquarium can be challenging due to their specific breeding requirements. It often involves simulating natural conditions such as temperature changes and providing suitable spawning sites. It is recommended for experienced fish breeders.